How to Last Longer in bed and make your Woman Happy

How to Last Longer in bed and make your Woman Happy

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Most relationships are not secured not because of any reason but because some partners were not able satisfy themselves on bed when it come to sex, Today I will give you some Hints that will make you Last longer on bed after you are done ready this post and surprise you woman to the extent she doesn't expect.

1. Masturbate First:
Some Men release faster during their first round but rather long last in the other rounds. If you are of this type it is advisable to masturbate first and pull out the first round so that you can get the massive energy to satisfy your partner with that other round which always last you.

2. Do it Slower
To make your sex longer, Try to pump and penetrate slower.

3. Use Viagra or Medications
For many men, some of the most common ways to treat premature ejaculation is to use medication such as Viagra or numbing sprays. Whilst it’s undoubtedly effective, it’s only a band aid solution to a bigger problem. A big, eight-hour erection-shaped band aid.

4. Drink Alcohol and Get Higher
Try to Drink some alcohol and get pretty High before you sex your partner because it Highs your Moral and increase your sex drive.

5. Avoid Foreplay
You know how in the movies, everyone just rips their clothes off and starts going for it? He thrusts, she gasps, and then it’s all just a tangle of limbs and unrealistic orgasms. Well, welcome back to the real world. For both men and women, the body needs to be fully aroused. Do not Try Foreplay at all if you want to last longer on bed.

6. Get Distracted
have you ever been on your woman having sex and at the same time thinking of the work in your office or of a particular mission you are to accomplish. Try this the next time you are having sex as it will distract you and increase your sex time.
